
Only Tails | Traveling with Pets

by Bryan Lenar on Jun 14, 2024

Only Tails | Traveling with Pets

Traveling with pets can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to share your adventures with your furry companions. However, it requires careful planning and consideration to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip for both you and your pet. This guide will provide essential tips and insights on how to travel safely and comfortably with your pet, whether you're planning a road trip, flying to a distant destination, or embarking on a local excursion.

Preparing for the Trip

Health and Safety

Before traveling, ensure your pet is healthy and fit for travel. Schedule a vet check-up to confirm they are up-to-date on vaccinations and obtain any necessary health certificates, especially if you're traveling internationally.


Ensure your pet has proper identification, including a collar with ID tags and a microchip with up-to-date contact information. This increases the chances of being reunited if your pet gets lost.

Packing Essentials

Pack a travel kit for your pet that includes food, water, bowls, a leash, waste bags, grooming supplies, medication, and comfort items such as a blanket or favorite toy. Having everything ready will make the trip smoother.

Product to Consider: On-The-Go Water Bottle

Features: The On-The-Go Water Bottle ensures your pet stays hydrated during travel with a convenient design for easy access to water.

Traveling by Car

Safety First

Keep your pet safe in the car by using a pet seatbelt, carrier, or crate. This prevents distractions while driving and protects your pet in case of sudden stops or accidents.

Product to Consider: Meow Backpack

Features: The Meow Backpack can be used as a secure carrier for smaller pets, keeping them safe and comfortable during car rides.

Frequent Breaks

Plan for regular breaks during long drives to allow your pet to stretch, exercise, and relieve themselves. Aim for breaks every two to three hours.

Avoiding Motion Sickness

To prevent motion sickness, avoid feeding your pet right before the trip. Offer light snacks and water during breaks. Some pets may benefit from anti-nausea medications, so consult your vet if needed.

Traveling by Air

Research Airlines

Different airlines have different policies regarding pet travel. Research your options and choose an airline that accommodates your pet's needs. Some airlines allow small pets in the cabin, while larger pets may need to travel in the cargo hold.

Secure a Carrier

Invest in an airline-approved pet carrier that is well-ventilated and spacious enough for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

Product to Consider: Meow Backpack

Features: The Meow Backpack is an airline-approved carrier that provides comfort and visibility for your pet, making it perfect for air travel.

Pre-Flight Preparation

Acclimate your pet to the carrier before the flight by allowing them to spend time in it at home. On the day of travel, arrive at the airport early to complete any necessary paperwork and check-in procedures.

Traveling by Train or Bus

Check Pet Policies

Not all train and bus companies allow pets, so check their policies before booking your tickets. Ensure you comply with any size restrictions and carrier requirements.

Keeping Your Pet Calm

Traveling by train or bus can be stressful for pets due to the unfamiliar environment and noises. Use a carrier to keep them secure and bring familiar items like a blanket or toy to comfort them.


Pet-Friendly Lodging

Research and book pet-friendly accommodations in advance. Many hotels and vacation rentals welcome pets, but they may have specific rules and fees. Verify these details before your stay.

Maintaining Routine

Maintain your pet's routine as much as possible while traveling. Keep regular feeding, exercise, and bedtime schedules to reduce stress and anxiety.

Exploring Your Destination

Local Attractions

Look for pet-friendly attractions, parks, and restaurants at your destination. Many places now cater to pet owners, providing enjoyable experiences for both you and your pet.

Product to Consider: Pawsome Suede Leash Set

Features: The Pawsome Suede Leash Set offers a stylish and comfortable way to control your pet during outings, ensuring their safety and good behavior.

Evening Safety

For evening or nighttime outings, ensure your pet is visible and safe with reflective gear. This is especially important in busy areas or places with limited lighting.

Product to Consider: Glowy Dog Leash

Features: The Glowy Dog Leash provides visibility in low-light conditions, enhancing safety during evening walks or nighttime adventures.

Pet Etiquette

Practice good pet etiquette by keeping your pet on a leash, cleaning up after them, and ensuring they behave well in public spaces. Respect local rules and regulations regarding pets.

Relaxation and Comfort

Cuddle Sessions

Never underestimate the power of a good cuddle session. Spending quiet time with your pet, petting them, and simply enjoying each other's company can strengthen your bond and provide comfort and relaxation.

Gentle Grooming

Grooming your pet can be a soothing activity that also keeps them looking their best. Regular brushing, nail trimming, and even gentle massages can make your pet feel pampered and loved.

Product to Consider: Spa Pet Brush

Features: The Spa Pet Brush is perfect for gentle grooming sessions, helping to keep your pet's coat healthy and reducing shedding.


Traveling with your pet can be an enriching experience that strengthens your bond and creates lasting memories. By planning ahead, prioritizing your pet's safety and comfort, and being mindful of their needs, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Whether by car, air, or train, these tips will help you navigate the challenges of traveling with your furry friend.

Product Reminders:

With the right preparation and products, you and your pet can enjoy many adventures together, making every journey a joyous experience.